
For How Long Does the Effect of Botox Last in the Body?

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A dose of Botox injection administered on the body of an individual doesn’t have an everlasting effect. To maintain its highly potent wrinkle-reducing effect, you must spend money on Botox injections on a regular basis. If you purchase botched Botox, you need not worry about the effect of Botox being temporary as your muscles and skin will come back to normal within a few months of the administration of botched Botox.

For how long does an injection of Botox exert its wrinkle-reducing effect on the body of an individual? The duration of results is a function of the mode of application of the product and its dosage.

Forty-three muscles are present in the face and the area occupied by each of these muscles requires different dosage range.  The right dosage can also vary within each area of the face.

As an example, crow’s feet around the eyes take between 8 and 14 units on each side. The group of muscles located between the eyebrows, known as the glabella area, requires between 18 and 36 units for optimal effect.

According to Botox Training New York:

It is important to note that certain characteristics of the body of an individual influence how long the wrinkle-reducing effect of Botox remains in their body.  An individual with thick muscles requires more injections to produce the desired effect than an individual with thinner muscles. You should have more Botox injected superficially into thick muscles instead of injecting deeper into them according to safety standards.

The effect of Botox injections fades away faster in athletic patients.  This is due to the fact that an active body experiences healing faster.  Hence, it works faster in getting the solution eliminated from it.


Repetition Makes Botox Lasts Longer

It is worth noting that consistent use of Botox enhances the wrinkle-reducing effect of each application similar to what obtains with several other beauty regimens.  Wrinkle-causing muscles are weakened by repeated use of Botox, thus prolonging the effect of the injections on the body.

In the event that Botox is not powerful enough or the right dosage is not used, its impact may not last long enough. Additionally, using Botox for deep-set, static wrinkles is not likely to produce much improvement as far as wrinkle removal is concerned.

If Botox is correctly administered by a skilled doctor and injected into the appropriate places, its results will last 3 to 4 months.

Although this can vary from person to person, the results usually last for a number of weeks. Some people are of the opinion that when Botox is regularly used for several years, the effect of a single dose may last between 9 months and a year.  Although anecdotal evidence that supports the foregoing abounds, no research has been conducted to confirm this assertion.

It is a statement of fact that people who use Botox injections for the first time may discover that the effect of the solution vanishes in less than the 3 months anticipated. The muscles of the face get used to the injections, and this may prolong the results. Also, it is possible that Botox injections administered around the eye last less than 3 months.

Larger doses of Botox may produce longer results in men.

To cover all exceptions and eventualities, one can confidently say that the wrinkle-reducing effect of Botox lasts for about 3 months.


What If Botox Fails to Last As Long As Anticipated?

You may notice that the wrinkle-reducing effect of your Botox treatment vanishes more quickly than anticipated. The wisest thing to do is to find out the possible reason for the shorter lifespan of the results from the person that administered it. Among the factors that may be responsible for a shorter lifespan of the effect of Botox are:  Administration of diluted solution, using too little solution, using old Botox, your anatomy required an unusual procedure, you’re resistant to Botox.

A physician who is worth their salt will like to work with you and ensure that the treatments are worth the time and the money.  It is also important to note that it may take 1 to 2 days for the effect of Botox to start manifesting and 1 to 2 weeks are required for this effect to reach the peak.

To sum up, it is generally correct to say that the wrinkle-reducing effect of Botox lasts for 3 months.  However, when it lasts for a very short time, you must find out the factor that is responsible for this.