Category: Wellness

For How Long Does the Effect of Botox Last in the Body?

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A dose of Botox injection administered on the body of an individual doesn’t have an everlasting effect. To maintain its highly potent wrinkle-reducing effect, you must spend money on Botox injections on a regular basis. If you purchase botched Botox, you need not worry about the effect of Botox being temporary as your muscles and skin will come back to normal within a few months of the administration of botched Botox.

For how long does an injection of Botox exert its wrinkle-reducing effect on the body of an individual? The duration of results is a function of the mode of application of the product and its dosage.

Forty-three muscles are present in the face and the area occupied by each of these muscles requires different dosage range.  The right dosage can also vary within each area of the face.

As an example, crow’s feet around the eyes take between 8 and 14 units on each side. The group of muscles located between the eyebrows, known as the glabella area, requires between 18 and 36 units for optimal effect.

According to Botox Training New York:

It is important to note that certain characteristics of the body of an individual influence how long the wrinkle-reducing effect of Botox remains in their body.  An individual with thick muscles requires more injections to produce the desired effect than an individual with thinner muscles. You should have more Botox injected superficially into thick muscles instead of injecting deeper into them according to safety standards.

The effect of Botox injections fades away faster in athletic patients.  This is due to the fact that an active body experiences healing faster.  Hence, it works faster in getting the solution eliminated from it.


Repetition Makes Botox Lasts Longer

It is worth noting that consistent use of Botox enhances the wrinkle-reducing effect of each application similar to what obtains with several other beauty regimens.  Wrinkle-causing muscles are weakened by repeated use of Botox, thus prolonging the effect of the injections on the body.

In the event that Botox is not powerful enough or the right dosage is not used, its impact may not last long enough. Additionally, using Botox for deep-set, static wrinkles is not likely to produce much improvement as far as wrinkle removal is concerned.

If Botox is correctly administered by a skilled doctor and injected into the appropriate places, its results will last 3 to 4 months.

Although this can vary from person to person, the results usually last for a number of weeks. Some people are of the opinion that when Botox is regularly used for several years, the effect of a single dose may last between 9 months and a year.  Although anecdotal evidence that supports the foregoing abounds, no research has been conducted to confirm this assertion.

It is a statement of fact that people who use Botox injections for the first time may discover that the effect of the solution vanishes in less than the 3 months anticipated. The muscles of the face get used to the injections, and this may prolong the results. Also, it is possible that Botox injections administered around the eye last less than 3 months.

Larger doses of Botox may produce longer results in men.

To cover all exceptions and eventualities, one can confidently say that the wrinkle-reducing effect of Botox lasts for about 3 months.


What If Botox Fails to Last As Long As Anticipated?

You may notice that the wrinkle-reducing effect of your Botox treatment vanishes more quickly than anticipated. The wisest thing to do is to find out the possible reason for the shorter lifespan of the results from the person that administered it. Among the factors that may be responsible for a shorter lifespan of the effect of Botox are:  Administration of diluted solution, using too little solution, using old Botox, your anatomy required an unusual procedure, you’re resistant to Botox.

A physician who is worth their salt will like to work with you and ensure that the treatments are worth the time and the money.  It is also important to note that it may take 1 to 2 days for the effect of Botox to start manifesting and 1 to 2 weeks are required for this effect to reach the peak.

To sum up, it is generally correct to say that the wrinkle-reducing effect of Botox lasts for 3 months.  However, when it lasts for a very short time, you must find out the factor that is responsible for this.


Dzieki czemu nowe technologie jak i równiez platformy wirtualne maja mozliwosc przydac sie po powszednim zyciu i obok projektowaniu transakcji | Data room co to jest

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Nie jest tajemnica, ze nowe technologie sa szeroko stosowane po handlu. Bez owijania w bawelne mowiac, ciezko sobie przedstawic wspolczesne robota bez nich. Wykorzystywane beda nie tylko i wylacznie przy podmiotach, lecz dodatkowo przy organach rzadowych. Podjelismy decyzje, aby skomentowac opcje unowoczesnien w calej rozmaitych dziedzinach roboczych.

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Adding revenue to your medical business

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botox injection sites to learnAny business, no matter which avenue or area that it is based in, is always looking for ways in order to increase the bottom line and to help increase profits. After all, that’s what business is there to do, to make money. The difficulty is, when you are working in a highly specialized area such as medicine there are only so many ways to expand. However, one common way that many medical people can increase their business, add to their own skill set, and add revenue to their medical business, is by adding a new treatment section to offer to their patients. One of the best ways to do this is the gain the skills of Botox.

Although many people consider Botox to only be a cosmetic procedure, there are actually many more uses that doctors and other medical professionals can use Botox in order to offer their patients for much more complicated problems. Some patients will come to you in order to get help with chronic migraines that have pained them for months, for nerve pain in their back, or even for something as strange as hyper sweating which many patients can experience in their hands and feet. Patients would be very grateful to receive treatment for these problems when traditional solutions have failed.

Of course, there is always the standard cosmetic uses that patients will often go to anyone who can administer Botox. Many people who want to change the way that they have ‘crow’s feet’ around their eyes, or wrinkles around their nose and mouth. Having Botox injected into these areas will enable the patient to feel more confident in the way that they look, and this is something that Dr Howard Katz knows well. His training program, coming to New York soon, helps those who want to get these skills to offer new patients.

More about the Los Angeles Botox Training Program at:

What To Do About Wisdom Tooth Pain

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pain in mouth

Have you been ignoring the pain, redness, swelling, and irritation associated with your wisdom teeth?  If the answer is yes, it is time for you to seek medical attention from the dentist in order to determine the best treatment options.  More than likely, the answer is going to be you must have your wisdom teeth removed in order to address this specific issue interfering with your daily life.  After the decision has been made by yourself, and the physician, it is imperative that the right oral surgeon is involved to perform the surgery.  The removal of one’s wisdom teeth can be very straightforward as long as everything goes according to plan.  The surgery should only take between 45 minutes and 2 hours at the longest.  Once the surgery is finished, if the surgeon had to remove the wisdom teeth from the gum or bone, more than likely you will be sore and notice swelling and pain, with some bleeding at the site where the surgery took place.  Now, the way to quickly heal is to follow these simple steps that will help you overcome this obstacle faster.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you address the pain associated with the aftermath of the surgery.  It is recommended by many to not only take the medication prescribed by the dentist for the pain, but to also add over the counter Ibuprofen in an alternating fashion.  This will help you get ahead of the pain, before it gets too bad to control.  Also, it is imperative that if the dentist prescribed you antibiotics in order to treat a prior infection or to prevent a future infection, that you finish the antibiotics fully, even if you feel better before the course of the antibiotics is scheduled to end.

Another important factor to remember is that with this surgery, you will notice swelling and an icepack can be your best friend during this situation.  Just make sure to remember that there should be something between the ice and your skin at all times, and that you should only keep the icepack on your skin for 20 minutes at a time.  Then you should remove the icepack and leave it off for at least 20-30 minutes before reapplying.  The last thing one needs to add to their list is frostbite; so please follow the recommended guidelines associated with the icepack application.

Remember you just had surgery, so there will be some bleeding associated with the affected area.  However, make sure that the bleeding is not excessive and that you are consistently changing the gauze and keeping the mouth area clean.  Do not brush your teeth the first 24 hours; but after that time period brush your teeth gently and stay clear of the surgical area as you do not want to brush away the blood clots on the wisdom teeth incision.  Remember, there are sutures in the area and they will dissolve in approximately a week.

If for some reason the swelling and pain persists longer than 5 days, or you begin to notice a fever call your physician immediately.  While most of the time after wisdom teeth are removed there are no complications, it is a surgery, and thus, there are associated risks.  Some of those risks include infection and dry sockets.  Dry sockets occur when the blood clot is removed from the area where the wisdom teeth were extracted thus making the area vulnerable to infection.  Thus, your physician will have to pack it with medicated gauze to prevent infection.  If dry socket does occur it can delay your healing by several weeks.  Therefore, it is imperative to follow these guidelines.

Another risk associated with surgical removal of the wisdom teeth is nerve damage.  These nerves control the lips, chin, and tongue.  While this is a very rare and hardly ever seen complication, it still does occur and therefore must be addressed.  Sometimes the nerve damage can be temporary and most people who are affected do regain nerve sensation; there are a small fraction of the population that do have permanent nerve damage.

Remember, since you just had surgery to drink plenty of fluids; eat only soft foods, and brush gently after the first 24 hours.  Follow up with your physician to make sure healing is occurring properly and treat your pain efficiently and you will be on the way to recovery in no time.


Pocket doors vs sliding doors

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Sliding DoorsPocket doors are having a very serious moment right now. I would go so far as to say nearly every potential client that comes to us wanting to build a new home has at least one pocket door on their plan, if not more. What is there not to love? There is no door swinging out into open areas or into a small powder room that you have to squeeze past just to use the restroom. A wall housing a hidden door to separate your more personal rooms from the rest of the home when the time is deemed necessary. That classic feeling when you walk into an older Victorian home and the original pocket doors are remaining that lead into the formal dining room. It does not take much to understand why everyone wants a pocket door in their home.

All of this is fine and dandy for a new construction home, but how exactly does this work for a remodel? You could look up the answer to this question but let me help you out here. Its hard! In a new construction home, the pocket door is put in place at the time of framing. This is before any dry wall hits the scene. When adding a pocket door to a remodeling job, it requires the removal drywall, cutting a hole to access the studs, removing the studs, rerouting electrical wires, and so much more. Hopefully you’re catching my drift here.

So to answer the initial question, I offer a solution: sliding interior doors. More specifically, sliding interior doors that mount to a barn door track. These styles of doors offer the same functionality as a pocket door without anyone having to cut into any walls. There are no swinging doors in anyone’s way and they slide back and forth just as a pocket door would.

Not only do sliding interior doors compare nicely to pocket doors, they also have one great advantage to them. As stated before, pocket doors are put on site very early in construction. This often leads to mishaps throughout the building process due to a long list of things. Have you ever been on a job site? Things tend to get pretty messy. The inter-workings of your walls include things such as plumbing lines and electrical lines, not to mention all the hammering that takes place. It does not take much to destroy a pocket door kit.

Sliding interior doors are installed after the time of construction, especially in a remodeling job. This is one of the great benefits to sliding interior doors because you have many fewer things to worry about when it comes to ensuring the quality of your door. You simply have to install the door, and enjoy.

Pocket doors and sliding interior doors each have their advantages inside the home. If you are building a home from start to finish, a pocket door can work for you. I would still considering weighing the pros and cons when it comes to the quality you want in the end. If you are working on remodeling and home and want to achieve the classic pocket door style, interior sliding doors are perfect for your home.

Source: KNR Sliding & Glass Doors Los Angeles

Holistic Dentists Say “Nay” to Fluoride

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Fluoride is a compound that is comprised of fluorine and some other element, typically sodium or metal. Fluoride can occur naturally in water, sometimes at high levels. Since 1945, fluoride has also been added to U.S. water sources, based on the contention that it helps prevent tooth decay.

The element, fluorine, is a yellow gas that is extremely toxic. It is the main component in fluoride and is used in a number of applications. Are you sitting down? Here are some of those applications: rocket fuel, glass etching solutions, refrigeration solutions, purifying uranium and toothpaste.

San Diego dentist, Paige Woods, argues that not only is there no solid scientific evidence that fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay; there is some information that actually proves it to be downright harmful.

The pineal gland is located in the brain. It produces melatonin, which in turn promotes healthy sleep. The pineal gland can absorb incredible amounts of fluoride. The problem with this is that the fluoride can cause the gland to calcify and harden, and the gland is unable to effectively produce melatonin. When sleep patterns are disrupted, a number of issues can follow, including unstable hormone levels and problems with physical stamina. Mental alertness is negatively affected as well. Calcified pineal glands are also thought to accelerate puberty, especially in females. One study noted a large number of children who experience early onset puberty have been found to have calcified pineal glands.

There are additional studies from Harvard Research and the U.S. National Toxicology Program that show there may be higher instances of osteosarcoma (a type of cancer) that can be attributed to fluoride use. The osteosarcoma was typically found to originate in the growth plate bones of joints, which is where fluoride tends to be absorbed in higher concentrations.

This is why practitioners of holistic dentistry recommend not using fluoridated products such as toothpaste and oral rinses. Fluoridated water consumption is also discouraged. Patients are encouraged to use oral hygiene products that are fluoride-free and consume only distilled or bottled water. There are filters that are available to purify tap water and it is recommended that you confirm your water filter is capable of removing fluoride. There are three types of water filters that can remove it and they are as follows, deionizers, activated alumina and reverse osmosis filters.  Also, remember that fluoride can occur naturally in water, and sometimes at high levels, so even though you may have well water, you still may be getting large amounts of fluoride from it. So it is safest to use one of the approved fluoride removing filters.

Holistic dentists contend that there are safer and more effective methods to prevent tooth decay that do not cause negative effects on the body. Luckily, in today’s health conscious society, it is easy to find non-fluoridated products to incorporate into your family’s oral hygiene routines. That, and the proliferation of water filters on the market, make eliminating excessive fluoride consumption relatively easy.

Similar articles available on the the Holistic Dentist website.
